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In the crisis President John found little support among the trustees,
divided and virtually leaderless since W.C DePauw's death. The aging
Bishop Bowman, who served as both university chancellor and president
of the board of trustees, proved unable to control the infighting
among various factions, such as the one led by Evansville businessman
J.D. Iglehart. Finally, discontent with John's leadership rose to
the point where an attempt was made to replace Bowman with an active
chancellor charged with managing the university's financial affairs.
person chosen for this task was Charles N. Sims, an Asbury alumnus
and prominent Methodist minister who as chancellor of Syracuse University
had rescued that institution from financial distress. After Sims
and John had tried but failed to reach agreement on a plan to share
administrative responsibilities, John retaining the educational
initiative and Sims handling the financial side, the latter withdrew
his name from consideration. John, feeling he had lost the board's
confidence, submitted his resignation, which was reluctantly accepted.
The retired mathematics professor and president spent the rest of
his life in Greencastle, sallying forth frequently to propound his
views from the lecture platform around the country.

Once again the trustees turned to the ranks of the faculty in their
search for a president, naming Hillary A. Gobin
to that position in 1896. Terre Haute-born Gobin was an Indiana
Asbury graduate and Civil War
veteran who had taught briefly at his alma mater before becoming
president of Baker University in Kansas. Returning to DePauw in
1890 as dean of the School of Theology, he was appointed vice president
in 1894 and was acting president in 1895-96. The quiet, self-effacing
Gobin was a good choice to guide the university through the less
strenuous years that followed the rather tumultuous, innovative
first decade of the reorganized institution. It was a time of partial
retrenchment and of rethinking the shape and goals of the university.
of the new president's first major decisions was to dismantle his
own School of Theology in 1898 after several years of declining
enrollments. Undergraduate interests were also shifting rapidly,
as indicated in a survey of alumni occupations made at the turn
of the century and published in the annual college catalogues. It
showed that the ministry had slipped to third place after education
and the law. The next three professions listed in order of their
numerical representation among DePauw graduates were business, medicine,
and journalism.
Dr. John Poucher was professor of theology from 1886-98.
He also served as university treasurer from 1886-87 and
The DePauw University safe is shown in the
background of Poucher's
office, which was probably
located in East College.
the Civil War, the Spanish-American War of 1898 brought little disruption
to the campus. A group of cadets traveled to Indianapolis to volunteer
their services but returned to Greencastle after being informed
that their services were not needed at the moment. The campus newspaper,
the Palladium, congratulated the student body on the "absence
of the cheap patriotism and jingoism which have been so prevalent
at many other institutions." Falling victim to the crisis,
however, was the military department of the university when the
U.S. War Department recalled its commandant along with all the federally
supplied armament, including two artillery pieces so often wheeled
out and fired off to celebrate grand academic occasions. The next
year, after failing to regain government support for the program,
the board of trustees voted to abolish the department, thus ending
20 proud years of student military training at Indiana Asbury-DePauw
While the national economy experienced a gradual recovery from the
financial panic of 1893, the university itself continued to post
small annual deficits for a time. The board of trustees, now headed
by Newland T. DePauw, decided to revert to the earlier scheme of
naming a special administrator to organize efforts to raise money
both for current expenses and endowment. Accordingly William H.
Hickman, an Asbury graduate and Methodist minister with a successful
record as a fund-raiser for Clark College in Georgia, was appointed
to the post of vice chancellor in 1897 and was made chancellor two
years later when Bishop Bowman assumed the honorific title of chancellor

who seems to have worked harmoniously with President Gobin, managed
to raise nearly $100,000 for an endowment fund before launching
in 1899 a more ambitious campaign to add $550,000 to that amount.
The first major gift came from South Bend buggy manufacturer and
DePauw trustee Clement Studebaker, whose $5,000 "saved the
university," Hickman gratefully acknowledged. In December 1901
the new chancellor resigned suddenly, however, leaving the campaign
far from complete and relations with the trustees strained.

While Hickman never fulfilled all the hopes engendered by his appointment,
he was able to strengthen the university's endowment considerably
and to announce a gift of $50,000 from Terre Haute industrialist
D.W. Minshall for the construction of much-needed laboratory facilities
for the physical sciences. Minshall Laboratory, designed by D.A.
Bohlen and Sons of Indianapolis, was erected in 1901-02 on Center
Campus near East College
but facing College Avenue. The three-story, U-shaped, red brick
and limestone structure departed from the utilitarian style hitherto
employed, chiefly in its rather ornate doorway, flanked by classical

Minshall's children later added $26,000 for an endowment for the
building. The chemistry department occupied its northern wing, while
the physics department shared the southern wing with mathematics.
Professor of Chemistry Philip S. Baker, an Asbury graduate who had
taught at his alma mater since 1874 and helped plan the construction
of the laboratory, did not live to see the building completed, dying
in 1901. A chemistry library in Minshall Laboratory was named in
his memory.
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