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university was now able to require that all women students live
in Ladies' Hall, where they came under strict parietal rules and
the watchful eye of a resident preceptress. An unmarried faculty
member also lived in Men's Hall to act as proctor, the first of
whom testified that "only once were cannon balls rolled down
the stairs!" Most men apparently preferred to live out in town,
however, and the dormitory was soon converted into a classroom building
and renamed Middle College.
third building planned and financed by DePauw himself was a more
elaborate structure, boasting a mansard roof and a small central
tower. Erected in East Park on the present site of Lucy Rowland
Hall and originally intended for the schools of law and theology,
it instead became Music Hall, the longtime home of the School of
Music. For a year or two the School of Art also utilized its facilities
before moving to nearby Simpson Hall, the former residence of President
Simpson and most recently used as a university dining hall. For
a time classes in law and theology were conducted in rooms in the
Locust Street and College Avenue Methodist churches, both located
conveniently close by and virtually integral parts of the DePauw
Finally, the last construction project of this period was completed
in 1885 - an observatory erected on a knoll in the eastern part
of University Park. This small, two-story building was the gift
of Robert McKim of Madison, Ind. Furnished with a revolving dome
made of iron, an equatorial telescope and other astronomical
equipment, it remained the solitary occupant for many years of that
remote section of the expanded campus.
Like the two older structures, West and East
Colleges, all the new buildings were of solid masonry construction,
chiefly red brick with foundations, door and window frames, and
some other details of Indiana limestone. A diversity of architectural
styles was easily observable in the Gothic arches of East
College, the odd-shaped turrets of West College, the high steeples
of the Locust Street and College Avenue churches, and the staid
utilitarian shapes of the recently erected buildings. Still the
campus as a whole, with its predominant redbrick surfaces, simple
geometric lines, and central focus presented a harmonious, unified

The 9.53" clear aperature refracting telescope
was made by Alvan
Clark & Sons of Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1885 and has been used
by DePauw students for over a century. In U.S. Observatories:
A Directory and Travel Guide, H. T. Kirby-Smith notes, "Since (the
observatory) has not been continually modernized, it seems to
furnish the outstanding example in the country of an excellent 19th
century observatory ... Used for visual observing, such instruments
as the Clark refractor are superior to any other telescope for
views of the plants and the moon under adverse
conditions of light and air pollution."
For various reasons, the plan to reorganize and expand university
educational programs proved overambitious and was never fully implemented.
The Medical School, which like its Asbury predecessor was to be
located in Indianapolis, failed to materialize, largely for lack
of sufficient financial backing. Instruction in horticulture was
offered for only one year under the direction of William H. Ragan,
a Putnam County native and well-known horticulturist, who also acted
as superintendent of parks. Study in mechanical industries was not
offered at all. Presumably there was little student demand for either.
In 1885 the School of Pedagogy was renamed the Normal School and
placed in charge was Samuel Parr from the State Normal School in
Terre Haute. Five years later the trustees, acting on the recommendation
of President John, eliminated the school because of its low academic
standards, despite large enrollments.

School of Theology came into existence with perhaps the highest
expectations of any of the new branches. Designed to prepare men
for the Methodist ministry, it offered theological and Biblical
courses for upperclass preministerial students in the Asbury College
of Liberal Arts, graduates of DePauw and other four-year colleges
and universities, and also men with little or no background in higher
education. The first dean, Shadrach L. Bowman, a cousin of former
President Thomas Bowman,
was succeeded in 1890 by Asbury graduate Hillary A. Gobin, who was
later elevated to the DePauw presidency. Among those serving as
professors were John Poucher, George L. Curtiss, and Harry L. Beals.
Of the 35 bachelor of sacred theology degrees
awarded by the school in its 14 years' existence, the first went to
William O. Shepard, who eventually became a Methodist bishop.

College Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church was built
in 1879 on the site of the county seminary used by
Asbury's preparatory department. The church stood
on the southeast corner of College Avenue and
Seminary Street. It merged with Locust Street
Methodist Episcopal Church in 1924. Later, the
building was acquired by the university, its steeple
removed, and it became Speech Hall.

School of Law, directed first by Alexander C. Downey, former Asbury
law professor and longtime university trustee, offered a two-year
course of study based chiefly on lectures by local lawyers. Downey
was succeeded by two Asbury graduates: Augustus L. Mason in 1890
and Charles F. Coffin in 1893. During the school's 10-year existence,
133 persons were granted the LL.B. degree, including three women.
One of them, Merta Mitchell, became the first woman to practice
law in Indiana.

more enduring was the School of Art, which opened in 1885 under
the leadership of Dean Henry A. Mills, a landscape and portrait
painter who had studied at the National Academy of Design and headed
the art department at Albion College. One of the early instructors
was Homer G. Davisson, who later became a minor member of the Hoosier
Salon and founder of the Fort Wayne Art School. An elaborate four-year
program leading to the degree of bachelor of painting was set forth
in the college catalogues, but few such degrees were ever awarded.
Most students were content to obtain certificates for completing
briefer periods of study in such fields as painting, wood carving,
and repoussé, or hammered brass. Mills himself resigned in
1893 to paint landscapes in the Hudson River valley, but the school
continued on for two more decades.

Middle College was constructed in 1885
on the northwest corner of Larrabee Street
and College Avenue.
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