to Irving F. Brown, author of Indiana Asbury-DePauw University,
the custom of each class adopting its own special garb originated
in the early 1880s, when the sophomore class donned plug hats. Shortly
afterwards, the juniors adopted the "Oxford hat." His
1914 historical account goes on:
This custom lasted for several years, and since then, from time
to time, there have been many different garbs.The cap and gown was
not introduced into DePauw until 1894. On May 29, of that year,
the seniors wore them to a reception given by Dr. John. The next
day they appeared in them at chapel for the first time. Tradition
gives it, that on their first appearance, the juniors undertook
to confiscate them. No year has passed without this attempt in a
more or less violent form.

His description of other early DePauw customs follows:
The first class numerals to be put on the standpipe were placed
there in February, 1889. A member of the class of 1892 put up his
numerals in orange letters seven feet in length .... Since that
time no class has failed to carry out this custom.
Old Gold was first used as the college color at the DePauw-Wabash
football game in the fall of 1890. Previous
to that time the color had been blue, although the college papers,
up to that time, do not speak of a college color. In fact, until
within recent years, blue remained a semi-official color, since
it was always used on the diploma.
The present DePauw yell was given for the first time at the DePauw-Butler
football game in Indianapolis, on November
1, 1890. It is an outgrowth of an earlier attempt at a college yell:
Rah Hoo D.P.U. Rip Saw! Boom Baw! DePauw Ah-h-h-there!!!!
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