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departmental structure of the university also expanded to reflect
the widening body of knowledge and more specialized subjects in
the modern curriculum. Latin and Greek remained important departments,
but modern languages were divided into departments of German and
the Romance languages. Separate departments emerged for oratory
and for rhetoric and English literature. Mental and moral philosophy
became simply philosophy, and Biblical literature was renamed the
English Bible, which was required of all students. Joining chemistry
and physics as independent departments were botany and zoology,
formerly united in the department of biology. Astronomy was separated
from mathematics and history from political science, though the
latter still included work in sociology and economics.
Concomitant with these changes was the tendency toward increasing
professionalization and specialization of the faculty. The first
DePauw professors with earned doctorates were Wilbur V. Brown in
mathematics and Oliver P. Jenkins in biology. Both received their
degrees in the late 1880s, Brown from Stevens Institute and Jenkins
from Indiana University. President John added three more men with
Ph.D.s - Eugene W. Manning in Romance languages, Lucien M. Underwood
in botany, and Andrew Stephenson in history - as well as several
others with advanced training short of the doctorate. Among the
latter were Joseph P. Naylor in physics, William E. Smyser in English,
and Jesse F. Brumbaugh in rhetoric.

was also a continuing secularization of the faculty. Except for
the president himself and holders of the chairs in philosophy and
Bible, DePauw professors were no longer expected to be ordained
clergymen, though most were presumably Methodist church-goers. After
long student agitation against the compulsory Sunday afternoon faculty
lectures, the John administration first reduced their frequency
and finally eliminated them altogether.
A revolution in teaching methods took place at this time with the
disappearance of the daily class recitations, so long a fixture
in American college education. Their place was taken by classroom
lectures, laboratory exercises, and library research assignments.
Professors Edwin Post in Latin, James R.
Weaver in political science, and Andrew Stephenson in history conducted
German-style seminars for advanced students, and the latter two
established departmental library-laboratories funded by student
fees. The chemistry laboratory in the East
College basement and the physics and biological laboratories
in Middle College began to be furnished with increased amounts of
equipment, enabling them to play a much larger role in education
in the natural sciences.
Organized sports were beginning to find
an accepted place in the early DePauw years, though with little
official encouragement. In 1890 students organized an athletic association
with the help of a few faculty members to support varsity teams
in baseball and football. At the same
time DePauw joined with Indiana, Purdue, Butler, Wabash, and Rose
Polytechnic to form the Indiana Intercollegiate Athletic Association
under the auspices of the state YMCA. The next year the faculty
voted strict eligibility rules for participating athletes and appointed
a special committee to oversee intercollegiate competition.
first the lack of a suitable playing field hampered all such efforts.
Banned from the campus proper by the administration, varsity teams
resorted to a rough field west of the city beyond the Monon Railroad
tracks. After a long campaign by students and faculty to obtain
better facilities closer to campus, land was purchased on West Hanna
Street in 1895 for McKeen Field, named for the president of the
Vandalia Railroad, W.R. McKeen, who made the first major contribution
to the project. It was formally dedicated in October of that year
with a football victory over Indiana
Basketball was introduced in the mid-1890s as a "mild form
of work for the winter months," as the college catalogue put
it, and was apparently played chiefly by coeds at first. The lack
of adequate indoor court facilities slowed its development as an
intercollegiate sport. Annual field days were held from an early
period and time records kept for DePauw athletes as early as 1893.
In that year the first black athlete at DePauw, James U. Turner,
held the college record for both the 100 and 220 yard dash. Both
men and women played tennis on improvised grass courts on the East
College lawn.
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