fourth president of Indiana Asbury University was Thomas Bowman.
Born in Berwick, Pa. in 1817, he was a member of the first graduating
class of Methodist Dickinson College in 1837. He remained at Dickinson
for a year studying law, then did some preaching and teaching in
an elementary school related to the college. For a while he managed
the family farm and flour mill and then for 10 years was principal
of Dickinson Seminary (now Lycoming College). He became president
of Indiana Asbury in 1858 just as he was about to begin a pastorate
in Lewisburg, Pa. At the time of his appointment, Bowman was characterized
this way:

is graceful enough to be a courtier, simple enough for a Puritan,
frank enough for a child, grave as a judge, and pleasant as a woman.
His common sense and conciliatory spirit will probably keep him
by still waters and in pretty good pastures.
His simplicity, unpretentiousness, and sincerity would help to sustain
Bowman through his long tenure in the presidency from 1858 to 1872,
including the difficult Civil War years.
From May 1864 to March 1865 he also served as chaplain of the United
States Senate. After the war Bowman presided with dignity over such
important university events as the admission of women students and
the initial planning and the laying of the cornerstone of East
College. In his DePauw Through the Years, George Manhart wrote:

In the classroom, Bowman was said to be `hailed with delight,' as
he made `everything as clear as a sunbeam.' He seemed to speak equally
well before university students, children, or the United States
Senate. He was especially popular as speaker at the dedication of
churches, on which occasions he was highly `successful in raising
money, having opened the hearts of his hearers until he has free
access to their pockets: ...Of President Bowman as a disciplinarian,
one of his students wrote that he had a `firm but sweet, kind way
of controlling.'
had made a reputation for himself in Methodist circles, and in 1872
at the General Conference he was elected bishop on the first ballot,
with the largest vote cast to that time. Bowman continued his interest
in Indiana Asbury by serving on its board of trustees, including
a term as president from 1887 to 1895. He was also a special lecturer
in the School of Theology. He received the largely honorific title
of chancellor in 1884 and after 1899 became chancellor emeritus,
without duties or salary. As bishop, Bowman traveled to England,
Europe, and the Far East and presided over conferences in every
state and territory of the United States, as well as in some foreign
countries. After 24 years in the episcopacy he retired from active
duties in 1896 and lived in retirement until his death in 1914,
aged 96. He had eight sons and three daughters, one of whom, Sallie
Bowman Caldwell, provided the organ in Meharry Hall and a large
part of the funds for the construction of the gymnasium named after
her father. Today President Bowman's memory is preserved in the
pleasant and dignified park newly created on the south campus.
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