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G. Bromley Oxnam and Robert G. McCuthan.
restoration of peace after the First World War ushered in a period
of prosperity and growth for the university as for the nation. Not
only did annual deficits become a thing of the past, but contributions
from generous benefactors swelled the endowment and underwrote the
construction of important new facilities. For almost a decade DePauw's
student population rose steadily, passing the 1,000 mark in 1919
for the first time since the closing of the Academy and reaching
1,800 in the 1925-26 academic year.
meet the additional teaching responsibilities, the instructional
staff expanded rapidly. In the fall of 1919 the faculty gained a
dozen new members, the largest number added in a single year up
to that time. Most of them remained long enough-some for over 30
years-to have a major impact on the institution. The group included
Walter F. Bundy in Bible; Truman G. Yuncker in botany; A. Virginia
Harlow and Lester E. Mitchell in English; George B. Manhart in history;
Frank T. Carlton in economics; Anna E. Olmstead (Raphael) in French
and German; and Margery Simpson (Hufferd) in physics. Among those
arriving in the next few years were John L. Beyl and Oscar H. Williams
in education and psychology; Ralph W. Hufferd in chemistry; Catherine
F. MacLaggan, Mildred Dimmick, and Percy G. Evans in Romance languages;
Andrew Wallace Crandall in history; Herrick E.H. Greenleaf and William
Clarke Arnold in mathematics; William R. Sherman in economics; Ernest
R. Smith in geology, a new department added in 1921; Robert E. Williams
in speech; Lilian B. Brownfield, Elsie D. Taylor, Lloyd B. Gale,
Jerome C. Hixson, William
A. Huggard, and Judith K. Sollenberger in English; George R. Gage
in biology; Ruth E. Robertson in Latin; Cleveland P. Hickman in
zoology; Edward R. Bartlett in religious education, a department
he created in 1923; and Rheamona Green, Samuel C. Ham, Margaret
Pearson (Sage), and Eugene C. Hassell in the Music School.
administrative staff also expanded to handle the widening sphere
of university operations deemed necessary in an institution of higher
education in the 20th century. Harrison M. Karr served from 1920
to 1922 as an assistant to the president in carrying out the increasing
tasks of that office. His successor, DePauw graduate M. Henry McLean,
also undertook the duties of alumni secretary and editor of the
Alumni Bulletin, in the first systematic attempt to keep in touch
with former students. After 1922 the work of keeping track of student
records required the efforts of a full-time registrar, Marion Bradford
(Crandall), who took the place of a series of faculty members who
held that post in addition to their teaching duties.

Lineup of an honorary fraternity hazing in
front of the College Church on College
Avenue in 1927.
lack of a faculty pension plan, many professors continued in active
service well into their seventies; former President Gobin did not
retire from teaching until he reached the age of 80 in 1922. In
that same year, however, the trustees devised DePauw's first systematic
pension program, making retirement optional at 65 but compulsory
at 72-the latter provision not applying to anyone who had joined
the faculty before 1885. Retirees would receive a pension amounting
to one-half of their salary at the time of retirement, with widows
obtaining two-thirds of that sum. Later a more elaborate system
affiliated with the Carnegie Foundation-backed Teachers Insurance
and Annuity Association was adopted; pensions were then based on
annuities financed by contributions by both the university and individual
faculty members.
demise of the wartime military training program was followed by
the establishment in January 1918 of a unit of the Reserve Officers'
Training Corps under the command of Captain John L. Frazee, who
had directed the former S.A.T.C. on the DePauw campus. He was succeeded
within a few months by Captain-later Major-Martyn H. Shute, whose
appropriate surname inspired the nickname of "Don't Shoot."
In a close vote the trustees decreed that participation in the program
should be compulsory for all able-bodied freshman and sophomore
males, thus reverting to a practice of the last quarter of the 19th
century, when the university's cadet corps was in its heyday. Upperclassmen
who took the advanced military classes and attended a summer training
camp were eligible for commissions as second lieutenants in the
U.S. Army Reserve upon graduation. DePauw's R.O.T.C. unit frequently
won high commendations from military officials, but opposition to
its presence on campus gradually mounted in the ensuing years, especially
in Methodist and pacifist circles. It was often noted that DePauw
was apparently the only Methodist-related college or university
to maintain a compulsory military training program of that kind.
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