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Week became a DePauw institution in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
It consisted of a series of chapel programs, the first of which
was "coming out" day for seniors, who wore caps and gowns
for the first time, after securing them against theft by underclassmen.
The president or a favorite professor addressed the assembled student
body in Meharry Hall, the juniors and sophomores occupying their
assigned places behind the black-garbed seniors on the main floor.
Men and women were still separated on either side of the room, and
freshmen sat in the balcony, the normal practice in daily chapel.
Chemistry laboratory
in Minshall Hall.
One or two days were given to recognition chapel, when awards for
athletic and scholastic excellence were presented and elections
to senior honoraries announced. The Old Gold Gown was passed down
from the senior woman holding it to the junior woman chosen for
that honor. Senior men of Blue Key-later Gold Key-solemnly tapped
new initiates from the junior class with the cane that served as
their badge of office. The climax came with the presentation of
the Walker Cup, given to the university in 1926 by alumnus Guy Morrison
Walker and originally awarded at Commencement time, to the senior
deemed to have contributed the most to DePauw. This high honor,
the recipients of which were chosen jointly by vote of the senior
class, and the faculty, went only to males until 1941.

for many the high point of Senior Week was the mock chapel which
took place on Friday morning. With the entire faculty occupying
the front rows of Meharry Hall, members of the senior class appeared
on stage performing skits intended to caricature certain prominent
administrators and professors. The more successful performances
evoked howls of appreciative laughter from the students and a few
smiles and an occasional frown from the subjects of the skits. On
one occasion President Oxnam and some of the most often-caricatured
members of the faculty retaliated by staging their own parody of
the annual May Day festivities. Decked out in flowing gowns and
garlanded with flowers, they marched into chapel impersonating the
May Queen and her court before the astonished but delighted student
Group singing had a large part in campus life. Each fraternity and
sorority had its own songs, sung almost nightly at the dinner hour
and on special occasions. Many of these were collected in a volume
published by two alumni, Raymond E. Smith and Wade Hollinghead,
under the title University, Fraternity and Sorority Songs of "Old
DePauw." This collection also contained alumna Vivien Bard's
"A Toast to Old DePauw," which soon became the official
university anthem, sung at Commencement, Old Gold Day, and Alumni
Day and on other ceremonial occasions. Each spring the Greek letter
organizations competed for prizes in the interfraternity and intersorority
sings. A frequent campus happening was the fraternity serenade,
when men from one chapter house would gather in front of a women's
residence after closing hours to entertain the occupants with song,
sometimes arriving with a piano installed in the bed of a truck
for accompaniment. A chief excuse for such an event was one of the
brothers bestowing his fraternity pin upon a coed as a token of
his affection, an action that often led to eventual marriage. Professor
Oliver W. Robinson, himself a graduate of DePauw in 1933, has described
the custom in one of the stories of fictionalized fraternity life
published in his nostalgic collection, The Pillared Porch Stands
Even the pin serenade was a flop.... All of us Alpha Yoops stood
under the dormitory windows in the snow and the moonlight singing
our fraternity sweetheart song. Then Peter crooned I Love You
Truly for Harry. Elaine sang her own reply, and the dormitory
girls stationed at various strategic windows tittered throughout.
It was almost more than the dignity of Alpha Sigma Upsilon could
The newly remodeled Speech Hall furnished spacious facilities for
all kinds of theatrical productions. It was dedicated on Old Gold
Day in 1929 with a performance of "The Goose Hangs High"
by Lewis Beach. The following February, the Association of Women
Students sponsored the first Monon Revue, called the "Moan-on
Revue." This musical entertainment, written and directed by
students, was performed annually for several years. Other student-organized
events that flourished in this period were the annual Gridiron Dinner
put on by the journalistic fraternity Sign Delta Chi, and Matrix Table,
sponsored by its counterpart for women, Theta Sigma Phi. These were
chiefly occasions for "roasting" or "razzing"
prominent members of the student body. Gridiron also awarded a
serious honor, the leather medal, for the person making the greatest
contribution to the university. Theta Sigma Chi usually invited
a leading woman journalist to address Matrix Table and receive recognition
for her achievements.
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