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1848 President Simpson resigned to become editor of the Western
Christian Advocate in Cincinnati. His nine years of service, much
of it spent away from campus speaking to church and other groups
and making friends for the university like most modern college presidents,
were of crucial importance in getting Indiana Asbury established.
He was popular with the students and townspeople, perhaps more so
than any of his immediate successors. But his star was rising, and
he eventually went on to the Methodist espiscopacy and a major role
in American Protestantism. Preaching Lincoln's funeral elegy, Simpson
later had another Methodist college named after him, but he apparently
never lost his interest in Old Asbury.
year passed in locating a new president. A prominent
minister and later bishop as well as rival of Simpson, E.R. Ames,
turned down the proffered appointment; so Professor Larrabee, who
surprisingly was not offered the job, was made acting president
for the academic year 1848-49. Finally, in July 1849 Lucien Berry
was elected second president of the university. A native of Vermont
who had grown up in Ohio and attended Miami University, Berry had
held influential pastorates in Knightstown and Indianapolis, where
his congregations contained members of the political and economic
elite of the state. Berry was a Whig at a time when most Indiana
Methodists, including Simpson and Ames, were Democrats. He had been
on the Asbury board of trustees since 1842 and was a close friend
of Simpson. Seemingly a good choice for the position, Berry was
to encounter town-gown conflicts and probably both political and
religious rivalry which shortened his presidency. Though Berry's
presidency began well, in a few years problems arose which contributed
to his early resignation. Two incidents in 1853 stand out. After
a riotous episode in which a black resident was driven from town,
Berry expelled a student who admitted his involvement in the affair.
In response some Greencastle citizens, including local Democrat
leaders, referred to the president and his faculty as a "little
coterie of tyrants."
At about the same time a local grocer was suspected of selling liquor
to students. Berry tried to retaliate by refusing permission to
students to live in the same rooming houses with the grocer's clerks,
who supposedly sold the contraband products. The landladies rebelled,
supported by most of the town. Both the students and the trustees
gave Berry a vote of confidence. But the president, feeling unnecessarily
harassed, resigned in July 1854. After a year in a New Albany pastorate,
Berry became president of Iowa Wesleyan College but died prematurely
in that office in 1858 at the age of 43. 
changes were affecting the control of Indiana Asbury University
at this time as well. In 1844 the Indiana Methodist Conference,
which was responsible for naming persons to the board of trustees
and visitors, was split in two, creating the new North Indiana Conference;
in 1852 and 1853 two more were formed, the Southeast and Northwest
Conferences. One result was the weakening of representation on the
board from Greencastle and Putnam County. As late as 1847, 15 out
of the 25 trustees were residents of Putnam County; by the '50s
the county's representation had dropped to three or four. No longer
dominated by a group of Greencastle professional men exercising
close personal supervision over the university's business, the board
was made up of men from all over the state who came together once
a year to review and give support to the president's program. In
1854 during the Berry crisis, it was headed for the first time by
a non-Greencastle man, Congressman Samuel W. Parker of Connorsville.
He was a Whig, originally from New York and president of the Whitewater
Canal Company. Town-gown unrest might also be accredited to this
loss of Greencastle influence.
In August 1854, the board chose Davis W. Clark, editor of the Ladies
Repository in Cincinnati, for the presidency, but he refused the
position. The board then elected Daniel Curry in a "stormy
session" by 11 votes to two for ex-president Berry. A New Yorker
and graduate of Wesleyan University in Connecticut, Curry was pastor
of a large Methodist church in New York City with academic and pastoral
experience in both New York and Georgia. With his experience and
maturity-he was 45 years old-he seemed to possess just the right
qualifications for the job of putting things back together at Indiana
Asbury after the Berry incidents. But Curry came to the university
as an outsider with no ties to the community, the state, or Indiana
Methodism, and with some reluctance. He lasted just three years.
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