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board chose three Greencastle men as its first officers: Dr. Alexander
Stevenson, a physician and farmer, was named president and served
twice from 1837-1839 and again 1840-1841; Dr. Tarvin Cowgill, who
had headed the group that successfully presented Greencastle's case
before the Indiana Conference, secretary; and Rees Hardesty, a local
businessman, treasurer.

Hardesty later served twice as president (1839-1840, 1841-1843),
as did prominent Greencastle businessman William H. Thornburg (1843-1848)
and lawyer John Cowgill (1848-1853). Largely because of travel conditions,
a group of relatively young Methodist farmers, merchants, and professional
men of Greencastle were dominant in the early planning and direction
of Indiana Asbury University.

John Cowgill, Greencastle lawyer, judge and
Among the first business transacted by the trustees, who met 17
times during 1837, was the selection of a building site in the southern
part of the town plat of Greencastle. Two Methodist clergymen, John
C. Smith and Aaron Wood, were chosen as agents to raise money for the
university by stumping the state and selling scholarships enabling
the purchaser to enroll students in its classes. They frequently
received more goodwill and prayer than cash. Leasing the county
seminary building for the anticipated preparatory department, the
board complied also with a requirement of a loan of $200 by opening
an "ABC Spelling reading writing and Arithmetic School"
in a small two-room "town seminary" on Washington Street
on March 20. The pastor of the local Methodist Church, John Newell,
taught a handful of children here until mid June, when he was succeeded
by James McCachran, who turned the teaching duties back to Newell
again sometime during the following year. This initial educational
venture at Old Asbury is not mentioned in the records after September
1838, when it apparently came to an end.

Martin M. Ray, a lawyer
from Shelbyville.
More enduring was the preparatory department, essential to any institution
of that day hoping to obtain students qualified to undergo the rigor
of the classical college curriculum. The preparatory department
opened on June 5, 1837, under the direction of Cyrus
Nutt, a Methodist minister and recent graduate of Allegheny
College in Pennsylvania. He used a room in the town seminary until
August, when he moved to the more commodious county seminary on
the southeast corner of the present Seminary Street and College
Avenue, which remained the site of the new university's activities
for the next three years.
November 1837, the infant institution boasted 40 students, ranging
in age from 13 to 28. As early as December the trustees began making
appointments to the college faculty. They elected the Rev. Joseph
S. Tomlinson professor of mathematics, but the Transylvania University
graduate declined to leave the presidency of Augustana College in
Kentucky for what seemed an uncertain future in Greencastle. A few
months later he also rejected the board's offer of the presidency.
The first regular member of the faculty, then, was Cyrus
Nutt, who accepted an appointment as professor of languages
in addition to his post as principal of the preparatory department.
For the moment he also served as acting president and was assisted
in the preparatory classes by the Rev. John Weakley.
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