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When DePauw University opened its doors in 1837,
it had not only a different name and setting but also a quite different
ethos from today. Located in a frontier community of the Old Northwest,
Indiana Asbury, as its founders named it, stressed Christian character
and piety over scholarship or social adaptation. Yet a unique spirit
was created that has pervaded the institution for 150 years, surviving
the change in name in 1884 as well as the various shifts in emphasis
taking place before and after that date. It is this spirit, or mystique,
that the authors of this new history of the university seek to identify
and interpret in word and picture.

attempt to record the mind of the founders and recapture the essence
of the university's beginnings in the spring and summer of 1837
requires a vivid imagination as well as historical sensitivity.
Preceding the advent of modern photography and the typewriter, the
era is poorly documented by either written or pictorial materials
and is also subject to the peculiar biases of that romantic and
optimistic age. Moreover the story of the founding and first years
of Indiana Asbury is part of the larger history of American higher
education as well as of Methodism and its struggle to establish
an educational system appropriate to its needs.
which had begun in the 18th century as a movement within the Church
of England stressing personal piety and evangelistic fervor, was
led by an Oxford-educated Anglican minister, John Wesley, and quickly
spread to the British colonies in North America. By the close of
the American Revolution its adherents were numerous enough and its
leaders ready to organize as an independent religious body. On Christmas
1784, delegates meeting in Baltimore created the Methodist Episcopal
Church of the United States and named Francis Asbury as its first
bishop. Methodist circuit riders reached Indiana Territory by 1801,
and within 30 years Methodists comprised the largest single religious
denomination in the State of Indiana with an estimated membership
of 20,000.
spoke to the spiritual needs of a frontier state where the prospects
for both material success and personal longevity were precarious.
For many, the teachings of Methodist Christianity provided a favorable
spiritual and moral climate to undergird the difficult task of
hewing out a new civilization in the wilderness. With its emphasis
on charismatic leadership the Methodist Church had initially frowned
upon formal education, and a number of early attempts to establish
its own colleges had only mixed success. But by 1820 a shift was
taking place in the thinking of Methodist leaders. A resolution
of their General Conference of that year recommended that local
conferences establish "literary institutions, under their own
control, in such way and manner as they may think proper,"
a measure reaffirmed four years later. Besides a number of academies
and seminaries successfully launched in the 1820s, a few Methodist
colleges began to appear in the next decade, beginning with Wesleyan
University in Connecticut in 1831.

very first session of the newly created Indiana Conference in 1832
appointed a committee "to take into consideration the propriety
of building a Conference Seminary." The committee's report,
noting that most of the literary institutions were in the hands
of other denominations, argued for the desirability of "an
institution under our own control from which we can exclude all
doctrines which we deem dangerous; though at the same time we do
not wish to make it so sectarian as to exclude or in the smallest
degree repel the sons of our fellow citizens from the same."

Old Bethel, built in 1807, was the first
Methodist Episcopal Church in Indiana.
It was moved from near Charlestown
to the DePauw campus, placed on the
grounds of Gobin United Methodist Church,
restored, and dedicated in 1955.
What the Hoosier Methodist leaders were chiefly concerned about in
the 1830s was the prevailing Presbyterian preponderance in the
state's formal educational institutions. Not only had the rival
denomination founded its own sectarian schools-the forerunners of
Hanover and Wabash Colleges also constituted the dominant influence among
the faculty and trustees of the publicly funded Indiana College
founded in 1825, later named Indiana University in 1838. After a
futile attempt to persuade the Indiana General Assembly to force
the Presbyterians to share with the Methodists in the management
and faculty of the state college at Bloomington, the Indiana Conference
fell back on the notion of creating its own institution. Taking
into account the continuing prejudice against formal education among
many Methodists, there is justifiable confusion about what was really
meant by such terms as literary institutions, seminaries, or colleges
and universities-all still poorly defined in the American educational
lexicon of that era. But clearly Indiana Methodist leaders were
now ready to launch some kind of venture in higher education.
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