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In the meantime the development office under the leadership of President Rosser and Vice President Bottoms had been successful in increasing the level of annual giving to the university, especially through the Annual Fund. In April 1983 Eugene L. Delves, chairman of the board of trustees, announced the launching of a $90 million campaign to be led by trustee James J. Kelly. Thirty months in the planning stage, this drive, the most ambitious ever, was to reach completion in June 1987 at the time of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of DePauw University and was accordingly known as the Sesquicentennial Campaign.

Unlike early campaigns which focused in large part on building projects, this was aimed chiefly at raising funds to endow student scholarships and academic programs. By February 1985 the campaign had made so much progress that the goal was raised to $100 million. On Old Gold Day the next fall the administration was able to announce that enough gifts and commitments had been received to ensure going over the new goal, but that the campaign would continue until its appointed end in June 1987. It was said that no other liberal arts college of DePauw's size had ever raised so large a sum in a single campaign. Gifts from alumni accounted for nearly 85% of the total.

Among the immediate results of the campaign was the establishment of the Fisher Fund for faculty development and scholarly research, funded by a gift in excess of $1 million from John and Janice Fisher of Muncie, Indiana. In February 1985 the administration revealed that anonymous donors had made a multimillion dollar donation to the university for the creation of a Center for Contemporary Media. President Rosser, who described the gift as the largest in the history of the university, appointed a committee to plan for the establishment of the center, which would include resources for training undergraduates in radio, television, and print journalism within a liberal arts context. Named to head the center was Drake Mabry from the Des Moines Register, who set up headquarters in the former Delta Zeta
sorority house on East Anderson Street.




The Rosser administration faced continuing demands from the student body for increased autonomy in personal and social affairs. The visitation issue was finally resolved in 1978 by a plan offering all students certain visitation options for members of the opposite sex. Incoming freshman were assigned to rooms in university residences according to their stated preferences on this matter, and visitation procedures for sections of upperclass halls and Greek living units were to be determined by 3/4 vote of the residents. In the fall of 1979 an additional option was provided by making both Longden and Hogate Halls coeducational, with men and women living on alternate floors. In addition juniors and seniors could obtain permission on a lottery basis to live out in town, the number not to exceed four percent of the undergraduate student body.

Varsity basketball game in the new Neal Fieldhouse
in 1984, the year that DePauw advanced to the
final four in the NCAA tournament in
Grand Rapids, Michigan.


For the first time all students were permitted to bring automobiles to campus, with the proviso that they register them with the Student Affairs Office and park them only in university-designated areas. The thorniest question of all was the drinking issue, long the subject of student agitation and administrative concern. By 1980, however, the administration, recognizing a significant shift in attitudes among the DePauw constituency, was ready to make an historic departure from the traditional policy of prohibition by according students over the legal age the right to consume alcoholic beverages under certain conditions. Discussions over the next four years culminated in the adoption in 1984 by the board of trustees of a new comprehensive policy "intended to promote either abstinence or responsible use of alcohol." Strict guidelines and regulations were set down concerning the serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages by students that included a complete compliance with the laws of Indiana. The administration also demonstrated its special concern in the area of alcohol abuse and reaffirmed its opposition to the possession, use, or sale of illicit drugs.



A large number of new instructors joined the ranks of the faculty. Listed below by departments, they include the following: art: Robert D. Kingsley and Catherine Fruhan; biological sciences: Robert J. Stark, Wade N. Hazel, Bruce S. Serlin, and Kathleen S. Jagger; chemistry:A.J.C.L. Hogarth, Bryan S. Hanson, and David T. Harvey; classical studies: Carl A. Huffman; communication arts and sciences: Nancy J. Metzger, Samuel Abel, and Jeffrey N. McCall; economics and management: Anthony V. Catanese, Margaret E. Catanese, William J. Field, Shanker Shetty, Daniel R. Wachter, Wassim N. Shahin, and Lisa L. Wichser; English: Martha Rainbolt, Wayne E. Glausser, J. David Field, Istvan Csicery-Ronay, David Klooster, and Erin McGraw; geology and geography: Frederick M. Soster; health, physical education and recreation: Nick Mourouzis and Michael Steele; history: Barbara J. Steinson, John T. Schlotterbeck, Sharon Nolte, and John Dittmer; mathematics and computer science: Richard C. Smock, Gloria C. Townsend, Janet E. Teegarden, Susan C. Gardsbane, Mark Kannowski, Nachimuthu Manickam, Robert Hieb, and Steven Csik.

Other additions include, also by department: philosophy and religion: John B. White, Marthe A. Chandler, William P. Harmon and Naomi Steinberg; physics and astronomy: Howard L. Brooks and Victor A. DeCarlo, Jr.; political science: Sidney M. Milkis, Ngeen Sang-Mpam, James R. Simmons, and Bruce Stinebrickner; psychology: Candace J. Schulenberg, Steven R. Raines, Thomas E. Hagaman, and Donald Haruo Ryujin; Romance languages: Francoise M. Coulont-Henderson and Arthur B. Evans; sociology and anthropology: Deborah P. Bhattacharyya, Nancy J. Davis, and Darrell E. La Lone.
The School of Music: Vergene C. Miller, Randy K. Salman; Dan J. Rizner, David L. Ott, and Cleveland T. Johnson; the School of Nursing: Sherry Smith, who became director of the school in 1979; Martha S. Avery, Carol L. Cherry, Theresa A. Kessler, Anna M. Miller, Margaret S. Hamilton, Louise Hart, and Nancy Drew. Directors of the quantitative reasoning center, the writing center, and the speaking and listening center were Susan Gardsbane, David Klooster, and Ann Weiss, respectively. Added to the library staff in this period were Loraine N. Sprague, Pei-Ling Wu, Gillian S. Gremmels, and Kathy Davis. Upon the retirement of James Martindale in 1983, Jana Bradley was named director of libraries. The next year Wesley W. Wilson became coordinator of archives and special services.
DPU Chamber Symphony
President Rosser was granted a sabbatical leave for travel and writing the first semester of the 1985-86 academic year, during which Vice President Bottoms took charge of university operations. Shortly after Rosser's return to campus in January 1986 he announced his intention to resign the presidency in July. The Board of trustees then appointed him to the post of chancellor of the university with responsibilities primarily for external relations and coordination of the upcoming celebration of DePauw's 150th anniversary. In September, however, Chancellor Rosser resigned from the university in order to accept the presidency of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. He went to Washington, D. C. to take up his new duties and soon moved with his wife Donna Eyssen Rosser to a new home in Alexandria, Virginia.

Within a few weeks of Rosser's resignation from the presidency, the board of trustees named Vice President Robert G. Bottoms as his successor, making the appointment from the current faculty and administrative ranks for the first time since the elevation of Dean Hillary Gobin to the presidency in 1896. The new president was a native of Alabama who had earned a B.A. from Birmingham-Southern College, a B.D. from Emory University, and the degree of doctor of ministry from Vanderbilt University. He served as assistant dean and assistant professor of church and ministry at Vanderbilt before coming to DePauw in 1978. A member of St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Greencastle, he became the first non-Methodist president of DePauw University.

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