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As early as Old Gold Day 1945 students and alumni had begun a campaign to raise funds for a student activities building that could serve as an all-campus center for recreation and social life. The result was the construction of the Memorial Student Union Building, opened in 1951 and dedicated to the memory of the more than 100 DePauw students who had lost their lives in World War II. Designed by the Indianapolis architectural firm of McGuire and Shook in the prevailing Georgian Colonial style, the L-shaped building on the corner of Locust and Hanna Streets had at its main entry a broad portico supported by six columns facing the women's dormitory quadrangle. Inside were a ballroom-auditorium, cafeteria and dining room, bowling alleys and billiard room, and a large central reception hall. Space was also found for the Alumni Office and a faculty lounge. A patio overlooked the East College lawn.

The new Union Building also contained specially designed studios for DePauw's 10-watt radio station, WGRE-FM. Radio broadcasts had begun on a regular basis from the DePauw campus as early as April 1941, when an arrangement was made with station WIRE in Indianapolis to carry two or three 15-minute educational programs a week from an improvised studio in the psychology department's experimental laboratory on the third floor of Harrison Hall.

The Memorial Student Union Building
was completed in 1952 in memory of
the DePauw students who died in
World War II.




In 1948 Herold Ross of the speech department, who had been named director of the radio program in 1945, applied to the Federal Communications Commission for a license permitting the university to operate a 10-watt F.M. station. The license was granted, and in April 1949 station WGRE-FM began broadcasting from studios in Rooms 318 and 319 of Harrison Hall, using a transmitter donated by the General Electric Corporation. Named as program director to assist Ross, who became the station director, was a new member of the speech department who was to exert a major influence on the development of radio at DePauw, Elizabeth Turnell. In May 1951 WGRE turned back its studios in Harrison Hall to the psychology department and moved its operations to the new and improved facilities in the Memorial Student Union Building. Since then DePauw students have broadcast a wide variety of programs daily during the college year. In 1962 permission was obtained from the FCC to increase the station's power to 250 watts.

Some changes in departmental organization took place in the war and postwar years. In 1942 the Latin and Greek departments, which had suffered losses in enrollment with the growth and interest in modern languages, were consolidated as the department of classical languages. Four years later the departments of philosophy and religious education were also merged into a single department of philosophy and religion; Bible, however, remained a separate department until 1955. In the natural sciences the botany department added bacteriology to its title in 1947 to reflect an expansion of its course offerings in that area, and the geology department in 1948 added geography after having already listed courses in that subject in its curriculum for some years.
Rallies and Campaigns
Shortly after the war's end Professor Hans Gruéninger revived and enlarged the foreign study program begun in the mid-1930s. Student exchange programs with foreign universities in Europe and Latin America were revived and new ones instituted, notably with the Universities of Durham and Exeter in the United Kingdom. Selected DePauw undergraduates spent their junior year studying in Austria, Colombia, Denmark, Equador, France, Germany, Great Britain, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. A smaller number of foreign students attended classes at DePauw, living in dormitories and Greek-letter living units and participating to a large degree in the life of the campus.

Student life returned to normal after the austerities of wartime. Proms and other all-campus parties were held in the spacious ballroom of the new Student Union Building, while all the social fraternities reinstated an active social calendar. Greek-letter life was strengthened with the addition of a chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon for men and two new women's organizations: Pi Beta Phi and Delta Gamma.

Independent men and women also sought a larger voice in student affairs. In 1947 an Association of Independent Women was organized which lasted several years before disbanding. The well-established Men's Hall Association was especially active in promoting interracial housing at DePauw. As a result of their concern the administration assigned black males, who had formerly lived out in town, to rooms in Longden Hall in 1948. Black women, however, had to wait until 1955 to live in university residence halls.
The university re-emphasized its historical relationship with the Methodist Church while recognizing the growing religious diversity of its student body. In 1944 an interdenominational Council on Religious Life was formed, composed of representatives of the students, faculty, and administration. It took responsibility for the weekly vesper services on Sunday evenings and for Religious Emphasis Week, a series of special meetings held each spring dealing with the application of religion to personal and social life. Led by prominent preachers, these meetings provided a substitute for the evangelistic services once a regular feature of the Indiana Asbury-DePauw religious scene.

The daily chapel services were reduced, first to three or four mornings a week, and finally to one chapel service on Wednesday in Gobin Methodist Church and a Friday convocation in Meharry Hall devoted to a musical program or a lecture, often by an outside speaker.

In the early postwar years the faculty studied ways of strengthening the program of general education at DePauw. One result was the creation in 1948 of an area major, consisting of 48 semester hours in related fields, cutting across departmental lines. A special faculty committee devised an Experimental Curriculum during the 1947-48 academic year. Designed to introduce students to major areas of knowledge by integrating subjects normally taught separately, it included four-hour courses in physical science, biological science, the history of civilization, the social sciences, and basic communications. The last covered both oral and written composition. Fifty students enrolled for the first classes, but the number eventually declined. Originally approved for a five-year period, it was later extended to seven years.

In 1950 DePauw University completed arrangements for a binary pre-engineering program with Rose Polytechnical Institute, Case Institute of Technology and the Carnegie Institute of Technology. The plan called for three years on the DePauw campus and two years at one of the cooperating institutions, at the conclusion of which students would receive a B.A. from DePauw and a B.S. from the engineering school. A somewhat similar program for forestry was arranged with Duke University and a cooperative system of nursing education with Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis.

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